Playing with David Kendrick could never be said to be
dull. With his ready smile and easy wit, he also combines to create an
atmosphere at the table when things happen....
And so it was on this board from the Eastern Counties
League match against Norfolk (David in the East seat)
♠A754 ♠KJ2
♥Q72 ♥J
♦AK ♦Q1087653
♣AK108 ♣72
Now, of course, 5♦ or 6♦ would be too mundane a spot to
land with our nine card fit and three top honours.. A shame because there is a
nice double squeeze which guarantees the latter contract (with South guarding the
clubs and North the hearts, neither can guard spades). Anyway, there must have
been a reason for the fates having dealt East the ♠J - and we found it by
playing in 4♠.
This is how we got there:
1♣ (1) - 3H - Dbl (2) - Pass
4♠ (3) - Pass - Pass (4) - Pass
Some comments on the bidding:
(1) We play 4 card majors, so I could have opened 1♠ or
even 2NT (20-22). I do not subscribe to the theory that opening 1♣ and then
rebidding 1♠ guarantees 5+ cards in the minor, although this is certainly a
playable method. Holding relatively poor spades, five quick tricks and no
intermediates, I chose to start with 1♣ - also perhaps of lead directional
value if we found ourselves defending.
(2) Takeout. Perhaps not everyone's choice since I could
have held a weak no trump type of hand, but David is not easily shut out of
(3) Catching up. No other obvious bid since partner might
well have held four spades for his double.
(4) Bidding 5♦ at this point is not really an option with a minimum hand.
North led a small diamond (an obvious singleton) at trick
one. Plan the play.
The obvious first line of thought might be to play for
spades to be 3-3 with North holding the queen. Perhaps not great odds, but
think this through. At trick two you lead ♠A and then a spade to dummy's knave,
taking a nerve-racking finesse. If this loses, you might well be going three or
four off. Let's assume it wins, what next? You have to unblock the diamonds, so
you next play a diamond, ruffed by North with ♠Q. North now plays a heart to his
partner's top honour and a heart comes back, forcing you to ruff with dummy's ♠K. You
can cash ♦Q, throwing your last heart, but on the next diamond, South ruffs in,
and although you can discard a club, you will be left with a further losing
club at the end - and the contract will have been defeated by a trick.
So, if the contract can't be made with spades 3-3 and the queen onside*, what
if spades are 4-2?
In fact you can afford to lose two spades and a heart in
this contract provided that you manage the entries carefully. If North holds
the doubleton spade, as is more likely given his pre-empt, you could take the
spade finesse at trick two, cash the ♠K (dropping the presumed doubleton
queen), cross back to hand with a diamond (North being out of trumps cannot
ruff), back to dummy by ruffing a club and then lead diamonds from the top
through South. Say South ruffs the fourth round of diamonds with ♠8, you can simply discard a heart . You are then
poised with ♠A7 over South's ♠10 and cannot be denied two more spade tricks and
the contract (four spades, a ruff, three diamonds and two clubs).
Even so, that spade finesse at trick two doesn't look
very appealing. Playing the hand known to be shorter in length for a particular card is
well against the odds, and a losing finesse is again going to see the contract
going several off. Is there anything you can do, as declarer, to give yourself
an extra chance?
Well, if North has a presumed 2-7-1-3 shape, he might
hold both queen and knave of clubs. Do you now see how to combine your chances
and maybe make the contract even if it is South who holds the ♠Q?
At tricks two and three, cash the top two clubs! If North
plays ♣Q or ♣J on the second trick, you can assume that clubs are indeed
favourable. So cash ♠A and lead a spade to the king, eschewing the finesse,
cash ♦A, and ruff a club to leave your last club as a winner. You now lead
diamonds from the top - East ruffing the fourth round with one of his trump
winners, as you discard a second heart. South can draw one of your trumps and
cash ♥A, but you can claim the rest with your last trump and a winning ♣10.
If after two rounds of clubs neither ♣Q nor ♣J appear, you may
have to revert to playing North for ♠Qx. That may or may not work, but at least you have given yourself the best
possible chance.
The full deal (deal transposed):
* This is of course not strictly true. You can still make this contract if spades are 3-3 with the queen onside by playing back a diamond early on. Two rounds of hearts follow (ruffed in dummy), then ♦Q allowing North (West in diagram) to ruff again. At this point, following one round of trumps, declarer moves to pushing diamonds though the South.(East in diagram) hand and will eventually emerge with ten tricks. This line is however in no way jeopardised by playing off two rounds of clubs at the start. If South (East) "helpfully" signals four card club length, one may infer that spades are 2-4, but perhaps not otherwise.
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